Information on the use of personal information of website users. 
This page explains how any personal information of users who only visit this website is processed.

Data controller

Schrötter Julia based at Oberplars 10, I-39022 Algund, is the data controller.

Type of data collected and purposes of data processing

Navigational data: The computer systems and software processes supporting this website will, during the course of their normal operation, capture certain personal information, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This may include information such as IP addresses or the domain names of the user's computers and terminals, URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses for the requested resources, time of request, method used to transmit the request to the server, size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server response (successful, error etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment.

Any data required to use the web services as detailed above may also be processed for the following purposes:

  • to obtain statistical information about the use of the services (most-visited pages, number of visitors per hour or per day, geographical origin etc.);
  • to monitor service functionality.

Navigational data will not be stored for more than 7 (seven) days and will be deleted immediately upon aggregation, unless storage is required by judicial authorities for the investigation of criminal or other offences.

User-transmitted information

Whenever you use our address to send us a message or fill in and submit any of the forms on our website, it is implied that you do so explicitly, voluntarily and on a non-mandatory basis; we will capture any contact information needed to respond to your message as well as any personal information contained in your message. Specific information relating to the above can be found on the relevant contact pages of the website.

Rights of the parties concerned

All users are entitled to obtain access to any data collected about them, to ask for their data to be corrected, deleted or restricted and to object to the processing of their data. To exercise your rights, simply e-mail us at info [at]

Right to complain

If you believe that in processing your personal information we have breached the applicable legislation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the relevant data protection authority or to bring action before a competent court.

Privacy policy for users sending requests through the contact forms on this website

Purposes of data processing

The data submitted in our forms will be used to respond to your request for information about our services.

Consequences of refusing to provide data

We will not be able to respond to your request if you refuse to provide your information.

Retention period for personal information

After your request has been processed (no longer than 180 days), your data will be anonymised and only used for statistical analysis.

User rights

By contacting us at info [at], you may exercise your right to:

  • request an update of the information you have provided;
  • request the removal of your personal information;
  • request information on or a copy of your personal data;
  • object to data processing operations that you consider to be unlawful or request a restriction of the processing scope.

Right to object

You may take action to protect your rights by submitting an objection to the data controller at the above address or by submitting a complaint to the data protection authority in the EU country in which you are based.


Newsletter Sign up

Legal basis

Consent to personal data processing is provided by entering an e-mail address. Consent is freely given and not subject to any condition.

Purpose of data processing

The purpose of the data processing is to subscribe you to the newsletter and to provide you with information on our company’s initiatives/events/news by e-mail.

Processed personal data

The only data that is indispensable is your e-mail address.

Transfer of personal data to non-EU countries

The data collected with this form will not be transferred outside the European Union.

Disclosure and recipients of personal data

The data collected will not be disclosed.

Personal data retention period

The data collected will be retained until you request for your personal data to be deleted.
The deletion procedure is indicated in the e-mail.

Your rights

You have the right to request the following from us at any time, by sending your request to info [at] to obtain access to personal data concerning you, to have your personal data amended, supplemented or deleted, to obtain restriction of processing or to object to processing for legitimate reasons that are not contrary to legal obligations.

Right to lodge a complaint

If you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of mandatory rules, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the personal data protection authority or contact the judicial authorities.